Help - Good Image Guide

Follow the guidelines below to get the best morphs (and avoid weird results) with Morph Thing.
The images you upload should have the following:
- Face forward. Make sure the person in the picture has their face held upright and looking directly forward. I know you've got "the angles," but they make bad morphs.
- Neutral expression. Smiles, frowns, and other expressions don't morph as well as a neutral, poker face - like a passport photo.
- Have the entire face in the image - from the top of the hairline to the chin, and from side to side of the head.
- Shut your mouth! Use photos of people with their mouths shut; having an open mouth or showing the teeth will give weird results.
- Have nothing on your face. No glasses, heavy makeup, hair, cigarettes, etc. should be in your face. They will mess up the results!
- Well lit. Make sure the image is not too dark, and that the face is well lit on all sides. Dont use images with strong shadows.
- At least 300 pixels by 400 pixels big. This will give the best results, with less distortion.